Beginning of the School Year Getting to Know You Activities

Schools in Britain

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Do you know anything about schools in Britain? Endeavor this quiz.

  • Tick ( ✓) the right information.

1. Most children start principal school at the age of 7.

two. Most 20% of 18-year- olds go to university.

3. At well-nigh schools students habiliment a uniform.

4. There are most 22 students in a secondary schoolhouse course.

v. Students begin learning a foreign language at 15.

six. All students have music lessons.

7. Most parents in Britain pay for their children's education.

  • Put the words below into the correct columns. One word doesn't get. Which one?

primary; rugby; religion; geography; literature; football;

independent; uniform; history; netball; science; state; secondary; badminton; boarding;


types of school


while viewing

Sequence i (from the beginning to: Some other 20% become on to other kinds of

instruction and preparation.)

  • Try to consummate the table with words and numbers from the box.

preparation; academy ; 17; 5;

lxx; secondary; advanced;

chief; certificate ; 20; 16;

historic period



100% of students go to………school.


100% of students go to……. schoolhouse.

At 16, in England, they take GCSE examinations (General of

Secondary Instruction).


…… % of students continue at school. At 18 they take 'A' levels (……….level examinations.).


xx% of xviii-year-olds become to……..

Some other…… % of 18-year-olds continue to other kinds of education


  • Watch the sequence and check your answers.

Sequence 2 (up to:... History, Geography, English language, Literature,Religion.)

  • Sentinel the sequence. Number the pictures one - vii in the order that you run across them and write a subject nether each one.

French; Design and Technology ; Food ; Applied science; Maths;

Information Engineering; Art; Science;

Sequence iii (upwardly to: I'm not!)

  • Picket the sequence WITHOUT sound. Tick ( ) the activities you meet.

football cooking

badminton athletics

music dejeuner

hockey netball

rugby chess

  • Watch over again with sound. Cantankerous out the incorrect answer in the sentences below.

1. Students have a break of (an hour/ half an hour) for lunch.

2. (Most/ Some) students bring sandwiches for dejeuner.

3. School finishes at (4/5) o'clock.

4. Students also play (chess/rugby).

Sequence four (up to:... a very famous independent school near Windsor.)

  • Try to put the right information in each column.

Some ofthese areboardingschools .

92%of Britishschools

Thegovernmentpays forthese.

State schools

Independent schools

Sequence 5 (to the end)

  • Scout the sequence and lucifer the spoken communication bubbles to the pictures

ane) I recall schoolhouse'southward great.

2) I like schoolhouse

most of the time.

3) I similar really History and Art.

6) I really hate homework.

5) I don't like Geography.

I don't likehomework

4) I love Art and Drama.

vii) School nutrient's alright sometimes.

8) I love schoolhouse food.

nine) I don't like homework.


  • Read this letter and put the lines in the correct place in the letter.

a. You lot want to know about my schoolhouse.

b. After school I play netball,

с. My blood brother, Tom,

d. I'm in Year Eight now.

e. Cheers for your letter.


OX14 2BU


18 thursday May

Dear Maria,


Your family is very interesting. You've got so many brothers and sisters. And your uncle is English. Where'south he from?


Well, I become to the John Mason School in Abingdon, It's quite a big school - over 900 students - just information technology'due south very friendly. I'm in a class with about 30 other students.


I do all the usual subjects: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography and then on. And this year we do two foreign languages - French and German. Sorry - not Italian!! I also exercise Music. It's my favourite subject. I play the piano and the guitar. Do you play a musical musical instrument?


and I also belong to the Drama society. We meet every Tuesday afternoon, and at the finish of the year nosotros perform a play for the schoolhouse and all the parents.


is at the schoolhouse likewise but he'south in Year Eleven. Poor Tom! He's got his GCSE exams in June so he has lots of homework! He plays rugby in the winter and cricket in the summer.

Please write and tell me all about your school.

All-time wishes,


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