Messages Writing to a Baby That Hasn't Been Born Yet

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Exercice 84 (Test)
Message de felin post� le 31-08-2006 � 11:56:59 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde Correction Lundi 4/09/06


Choose the correct tense in 1-5.
1 I am staying /stay at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
2 The River Amazon flows /is flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays becomes / is becoming more and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, but we think/are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday is depending / depends on the weather.


Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
11 About 100 people ......... outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
A were queuing/ B queued/ C have queued/ D queue
12 This time last week I ......... to Athens.
A have driven / B have drove / C was driving / D have been driving
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students..........
A left/ B had left / C were leaving / D have left
14 The witness claimed he ......... the accused before.
A did not see/ B hasn't seen/ C wasn't seeing/ D hadn't seen
15 I ......... a shower when the telephone rang.
A had/ B was having/ C have had/ D have


Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's changed a lot ......... she left school.
A for/ B since / C during/ D after
17 I've been waiting in the rain ......... hours!
A during/ B since / C for/ D from
18......... I was coming home I met my old English teacher.
A During/ B While/ C Before/ D Since
19 She was born twenty-five years ......... in a small village in Yorkshire.
A before/ B since/ C over / D ago
20 I've ......... seen the film and I don't want to see it again.
A yet/ B still / C already / D before


Choose the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for.........?
A employer/ B employ/ C employee/ D employment
22 I need a ......... to open this tin of peas.
A tin opening/ B tin open/ C tin opener/ D tin opened
23 You have to be a pretty good ......... to get a job as a chef.
A cooker/ B cuisine/ C cookery / D cook
24 To do ......... professionally requires a lot of skill.
A photographer/ B photographic/ C photography/ D photograph
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an ................ .
A achievement/ B achieve/ C achiever/ D achievable

Good luck.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de mp27, post�e le 31-08-2006 � 12:37:39 (S | E)
Hello felin
A/Choose the correct tense in 1-5.
1- I am staying
2- flows
3- is becoming
4- are thinking
5- depends
B/ Choose the correct verb form
11 -A- were queuing
12 -C- was driving
13 -B- had left
14 -A- did not see
15 -B- was having
C/ Choose the correct word
16 -B- since
17 -C- for
18 -B- While
19 -D- ago
20 -C- already
D/ Choose the correct form of the word
21 -D- employment
22 -C- tin opener
23 -D- cook
24 -C- photography
25 -A- achievement
Many thanks and see you again!

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de magmatic_rock, post�e le 31-08-2006 � 13:17:19 (S | E)
Hello f�lin,

1) I am staying
2) flows (ps: j'ai utilis� une fois cette expression "the water flows..." et on m'a dit "ici (aux USA) on utilise plus souvent run", voil� petite parenth�se car je pense que c'est toujours bon � savoir )
3) becomes
4) are thinking
5) depends

1) were queuing (de m�me aux US on utiliserais to stand in line ou to be in line)
2) was driving
3) had left
4) didn't see
5) was having (de m�me again , les Am�ricain diraient "take a shower" et m�me dans le language familier on peut entendre assez souvent "to shower" )

1) since
2) while
3) ago
4) already

1) employee or employment (depends on who is asked this question )
2) tin opener
3) cook
4) a photographer
5) achievement

J'esp�re que mes petites remarques ne te d�range pas, c'est juste que personnellement j'adore en savoir toujours plus alors je fais ce que j'aime que les autres facent --> partager son savoir (m�me si le mien est petit encore )

beaucoup, excellent excercice une fois de plus

Modifi� par felin le 31-08-2006 13:31

Hello Non pas du tout �a ne me d�range pas au contraire on apprend. Eh bien la langue am�ricaine est quand m�me diff�rente et c'est bon � savoir, merci j'aurai besoin de ces mots am�ricains tu le sais pourquoi . Encore une fois merci pour tes compliments.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de whynot95, post�e le 31-08-2006 � 13:25:45 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin.

A/Choose the correct tense in 1-5.
1 I am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays is becoming more and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, but we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.

B/ Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
11 About 100 people were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
12 This time last week I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left.
14 The witness claimed he did not see the accused before.
15 I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

C/ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's changed a lot since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
18 While I was coming home I met my old English teacher.
19 She was born twenty-five years ago in a small village in Yorkshire.
20 I've already seen the film and I don't want to see it again.

D/ Choose the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for employment?
22 I need a tin opener to open this tin of peas.
23 You have to be a pretty good cook to get a job as a chef.
24 To do photography professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an achievement.

Thanks a lot.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de nanette33, post�e le 31-08-2006 � 16:15:59 (S | E)
Hello dear Felin,

A/Choose the correct tense in 1-5.
1 I

am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays becomes more and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, but we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.

B/ Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
11 About 100 people were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
12 This time last week

I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left
14 The witness claimed he hadn't seen the accused before.
15 I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

C/ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's changed a lot

since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
18 While I was coming home I met my old English teacher.
19 She was born twenty-five years ago in a small village in Yorkshire.
20 I've already seen the film and I don't want to see it again.

D/ Choose the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for

22 I need a tin opener to open this tin of peas.
23 You have to be a pretty good cook to get a job as a chef.
24 To do photographer professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an achievement.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de nick27, post�e le 31-08-2006 � 17:15:26 (S | E)
Hello Felin !!

Another very good exercise Thanks!

A/Choose the correct tense in 1-5.
1 I

am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays is becoming more and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, but we think of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.

B/ Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
11 About 100 people

were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
12 This time last week I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left.
14 The witness claimed he hadn't seen the accused before.
15 I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

C/ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's changed a lot

since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
18 While I was coming home I met my old English teacher.
19 She was born twenty-five years ago in a small village in Yorkshire.
20 I've already seen the film and I don't want to see it again.

D/ Choose the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for

employment ?
A employer/ B employ/ C employee/ D employment
22 I need a tin opener to open this tin of peas.
23 You have to be a pretty good cook to get a job as a chef.
24 To do photograph professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an achievement.


R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de eclair1, post�e le 01-09-2006 � 14:37:46 (S | E)
/Choose the correct tense in 1-5.
1 I am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays is becoming more and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, but we think of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.

B/ Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
11 About 100 people

were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.

12 This time last week I

was driving to Athens.

13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students

had left

14 The witness claimed he

did not see the accused before.

15 I

was having a shower when the telephone rang.

C/ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's changed a lot

after she left school.

17 I've been waiting in the rain

for hours!


While I was coming home I met my old English teacher.

19 She was born twenty-five years

ago in a small village in Yorkshire.

20 I've

already seen the film and I don't want to see it again.

D/ Choose the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for

employment ?

22 I need a

tin opening to open this tin of peas.

23 You have to be a pretty good

cooker to get a job as a chef.

24 To do

photograph professionally requires a lot of skill.
A photographer/ B photographic/ C photography/ D
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an achievement.
A / B achieve/ C achiever/ D achievable

Modifi� par eclair1 le 01-09-2006 14:52

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de annie, post�e le 01-09-2006 � 15:35:03 (S | E)
Hello F�lin

1) am staying
2) flows
3) is becoming
4) are thinking
5) depends

11) A
12) C
13) B
14) D
15) B

16) B
17) A
18) B
19) D
20) C

21) D
22) C
23) D
24) A
25) A
See you soon

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de coferam, post�e le 01-09-2006 � 18:54:07 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,A/Choose the correct tense in 1-5.
1 I am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays becomes more and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, but we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.B/ Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
11 About 100 people .... were queuing..... outside the theatre for tickets when we got there. A/
12 This time last week I .... was driving..... to Athens. C/
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students.... had left...... B/
14 The witness claimed he .... hadn't seen..... the accused before. D /
15 I .... was having..... a shower when the telephone rang B /C/ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's changed a lot .... since..... she left school. B /
17 I've been waiting in the rain ..... during.... hours! A /
18.... While..... I was coming home I met my old English teacher. B /
19 She was born twenty-five years .... ago..... in a small village in Yorkshire. D
20 I've .... already..... seen the film and I don't want to see it again. C /D/ Choose the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for.... employment.....? D /
22 I need a .... tin opening..... to open this tin of peas. A
23 You have to be a pretty good ..... cook.... to get a job as a chef. D /
24 To do .... photographer..... professionally requires a lot of skill. A
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an ..achievement. A /

See you soon.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de bobine, post�e le 02-09-2006 � 09:49:42 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin,

1 I

am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays is becoming more and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, but we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.

11 About 100 people

were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
12 This time last week I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left
14 The witness claimed he hadn't seen the accused before.
15 I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

16 She's changed a lot

since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
18.While I was coming home I met my old English teacher.
19 She was born twenty-five years ago in a small village in Yorkshire.
20 I've already seen the film and I don't want to see it again.

21 How long have you been looking for

22 I need a tin opener to open this tin of peas.
23 You have to be a pretty good cook to get a job as a chef.
24 To do photographer professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an achievement.

I'm late sorry

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de felin, post�e le 04-09-2006 � 13:19:27 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Je vais m�absenter � partir de demain et je serais de retour fin septembre. Je vous dis � tous � bient�t. Take care.

Voici la correction:

1 I

am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays is becoming more and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, but we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.

11 About 100 people

were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
12 This time last week I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left
14 The witness claimed he hadn't seen the accused before.
15 I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

16 She's changed a lot

since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
18 While I was coming home I met my old English teacher.
19 She was born twenty-five years ago in a small village in Yorkshire.
20 I've already seen the film and I don't want to see it again.

21 How long have you been looking for

22 I need a tin opener to open this tin of peas.
23 You have to be a pretty good cook to get a job as a chef.
24 To do photography professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an achievement.

Merci � tous pour votre participation.


Messages Writing to a Baby That Hasn't Been Born Yet


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